Atari Montezuma's Revenge Environment


Montezuma’s Revenge is an early example of the Metroidvania genre. The player controls a character called Panama Joe (a.k.a. Pedro), moving him from room to room in the labyrinthine underground pyramid of the 16th century Aztec temple of emperor Montezuma II, filled with enemies, obstacles, traps, and dangers. The objective is to score points by gathering jewels and killing enemies along the way. Panama Joe must find keys to open doors, collect and use equipment such as torches, swords, amulets, etc., and avoid or defeat the challenges in his path. Obstacles are laser gates, conveyor belts, disappearing floors and fire pits.

Movement is achieved by jumping, running, sliding down poles, and climbing chains and ladders. Enemies are skulls, snakes, and spiders. A further complication arises in the bottom-most floors of each pyramid, which must be played in total darkness unless a torch is found.

The pyramid is nine floors deep, not counting the topmost entry room that the player drops into at the start of each level, and has 99 rooms to explore. The goal is to reach the Treasure Chamber, whose entrance is in the center room of the lowest level. After jumping in here, the player has a short time to jump from one chain to another and pick up as many jewels as possible. However, jumping onto a fireman’s pole will immediately take the player to the next level; when time runs out, the player is automatically thrown onto the pole.

There are nine difficulty levels in all. Though the basic layout of the pyramid remains the same from one level to the next, small changes in details force the player to rethink strategy. These changes include:

  • Blocking or opening up certain paths (by adding/removing walls or ladders)
  • Adding enemies and obstacles
  • Rearrangement of items
  • More dark rooms and fewer torches (in level 9, the entire pyramid is dark)
  • Enemies that do not disappear after they kill Panama Joe (starting with level 5)
  • The player can reach only the left half of the pyramid in level 1, and only the right half in level 2. Starting with level 3, the entire pyramid is open for exploration.

Description from Wikipedia

Performances of RL Agents

We list various reinforcement learning algorithms that were tested in this environment. These results are from RL Database. If this page was helpful, please consider giving a star!


Human Starts

Result Algorithm Source
4182.0 Human Massively Parallel Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
154.0 Rainbow Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
130.0 Distributional DQN Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
84.0 Gorila DQN Massively Parallel Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
67.0 A3C FF Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
53.0 A3C FF 1 day Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
51.0 Prioritized DDQN (rank, tuned) Prioritized Experience Replay
50.0 DQN Massively Parallel Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
44.0 Prioritized DQN (rank) Prioritized Experience Replay
42.0 DDQN (tuned) Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning
41.0 A3C LSTM Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
30.0 DDQN Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning
25.0 Random Massively Parallel Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
24.0 PDD DQN Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
22.0 DuDQN Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
13.0 Prioritized DDQN (prop, tuned) Prioritized Experience Replay

No-op Starts

Result Algorithm Source
4753.3 Human Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
4366.7 Human Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
2643.5 Reactor The Reactor: A fast and sample-efficient Actor-Critic agent for Reinforcement Learning
2643.5 Reactor The Reactor: A fast and sample-efficient Actor-Critic agent for Reinforcement Learning
384.0 Rainbow Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
367.0 Distributional DQN Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
259 Contingency Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
75.0 QR-DQN-0 Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Quantile Regression
57 NoisyNet DuDQN Noisy Networks for Exploration
14 A3C Noisy Networks for Exploration
10.7 Linear Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
4.16 Gorila DQN Massively Parallel Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
4 NoisyNet A3C Noisy Networks for Exploration
3 NoisyNet DQN Noisy Networks for Exploration
2 DQN Noisy Networks for Exploration
0.0 DQN A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning
0.0 DDQN A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning
0.0 C51 A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning
0.0 DDQN Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning
0.0 DuDQN Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
0.0 PDD DQN Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
0.0 Random Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
0 DQN Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
0 DuDQN Noisy Networks for Exploration
0.0 QR-DQN-1 Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Quantile Regression
0.0 Reactor ND The Reactor: A fast and sample-efficient Actor-Critic agent for Reinforcement Learning
0.0 IMPALA (deep, multitask) IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures
0.0 IMPALA (shallow) IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures
0.0 IMPALA (deep) IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures
0.0 IQN Implicit Quantile Networks for Distributional Reinforcement Learning

Normal Starts

Result Algorithm Source
8152 RND Exploration by Random Network Distillation
2497 PPO Exploration by Random Network Distillation
400 Dynamics Exploration by Random Network Distillation
42.0 PPO Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm
0.3 ACER Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm
0.0 A2C Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm